About the Company
AISE s.r.o. company is an important partner in the area of efficient energy use, complex energy services and automatization of energy in the industry.
Registered Office:
AISE, s.r.o. Broučkova 7165 IČO: 63472651 DIČ: CZ63472651 |
Company is filed in the Register of Companies at District court in Brno, division C, element 20122.
Zlin Office:
AISE, s.r.o.
Broučkova 7165
760 01 Zlín
Prague Office:
AISE, s.r.o.
Střelničná 2221/50
182 00 Praha 8 – Libeň
Ostrava Office:
AISE, s.r.o.
Plzeňská 968/384
724 00 Ostrava
e-mail: ostrava@aisezlin.cz
Registered Office:
AISE, s.r.o. Pribinova 25 811 09 Bratislava IČO: 36835129 DIČ: 2022451222 IČ DPH: SK2022451222 |
Company is filed in the Register of Companies at District court in Bratislava I, division Po, element 1512/B